The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | The Battle of Portland Letters
It is with good cheer that I tell you all the statues still stand, and all the Target stores remain unsullied.
Social Contract for Dummies
Trevor Noah released a video the other day describing how looting illuminates the brokenness of the social contract: If George Floyd can be murdered, publicly and deliberately, police—and if this is not an aberration but part of a pattern—then there is no rule of law.
Just in case it was too subtle, let’s revisit recent events moment by moment, using building blocks to understand Noah’s explanation. Call it The Social Contract for Dummies.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Pastor Joe Explains Racism to White Kids
We have learned from our world studies group watching The Cosby Show
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.