Bughouse! Podcast Ep 44
Populism or Liberalism: Which is the Future?
*David Himmel (Populism) vs Brett Dworski (Liberalism)
Air Conditioning: Necessary Comfort or End Times Hastening Appliance?
*Chris Trani (Comfort) vs Lauren Reed (End Times)
Crypto Currency: Economic Freedom or Ponzi Scheme?
*Peter Athans (Economic Freedom) vs Joe Janes (Ponzi Scheme)
BUGHOUSE! #43 | May 30, 2020
Today’s BUGHOUSE! Podcast debate is between Chicago’s Vincent Truman and Vegas Performance Genius Pierson Brown.
Telecommuting: Better to Work from Home or In the Office?
BUGHOUSE! #42 | May 20, 2020
No live shows right now (thanks COVID-19) so the Apes will be putting up some mini-BUGHOUSE debates.
Episode #42 pits David Himmel vs Don Hall
Chicago vs Las Vegas
BUGHOUSE! Chicago #41 | March 2, 2020
Has Democracy Been Compromised?
Fiction: Making It Up vs. Living It
The Better Drug: Booze vs. Weed
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #40 | February 10, 2020
Democracy Post-Impeachment: Dead or Alive?
The Pronoun Thing: Mountain or Molehill?
LOVE: Hurts or A Many Splendored Thing?
BUGHOUSE! Chicago #39 | February 10, 2020
Dog on the Bed vs Dog in the Crate?
You’re the Best vs No, You’re the Best
This is the Right Way to Load a Dishwasher, Darling. you Idiot.
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #38 | January 27, 2020
The Woke: Warriors for Justice or Hippies 2.0
Don Hall (winner)
Dana Jerman
Medicare For All: Road to Health or Ruin?
Anshan Kambestad (winner)
Erik Lewin
WWIII or Just Another Skirmish in the Middle East?
Brandon Leopard (winner)
Ryan Pardey
BUGHOUSE! Chicago #37 | January 13, 2020
Is It Better Working for Yourself or The MAN?
David Himmel
Roberta Miles (winner)
Is Elvis Worthy of Being Called the King?
Phyllis Porsché
Rory Zacher (winner)
The Star Wars Sequals: Good or Evil?
Justin Flowers
Brian Sweeney (winner)
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #36 | December 23, 2019
The War on Christmas: Real or Fake?
Santa Claus vs Jesus: Christmas Spokesperson War
George Bailey: A Wonderful Life or A Miserable Failure?
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #34 | November 25, 2019
Smartphones: Amazing Tool or Downfall of Humanity?
Thanksgiving: Celebration of Gratitude or Dance of Genocide?
Baby Boomers: Destroyers of Worlds or Nuturers of Opportunity?
BUGHOUSE! Chicago #33 | November 4, 2019
Our Tribe: Likeminded Bubble or Diverse in Thought?
Are the Woke the New Puritans?
Thanksgiving: It’s all about gratitude, kem-oh ash-bee or It’s all about football and farts, bro
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #32 | October 28, 2019
Halloween: Celebration of Evil or Consumerism?
Which Is Worse: Toxic Masculinity or Toxic Femininity?
Is All Art Political?
BUGHOUSE! Chicago #31 | October 7, 2019
Is It Cultural Appropriation to Dress Up as the Dead?
Ghosts: Real or Delusions
Vampires: Creepy Creatures or Lords of Sex?
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #30
Humanity: Destiny or Free Will?
Gun Violence: Detente or Disarmament?
Self Help: Sex or Chocolate?
BUGHOUSE! Chicago #29 | September 9, 2019
Is the Indian Summer Racist?
The Better Suburbs: North or South
Unions: Good or Bad for Industry
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #28 | August 19, 2019
Ethical Boycotting is a Myth
Jessica Pena (winner)
Matthew Munoz
The Cover of the Book is the Best Way to Judge It
Tani Freiwald
Pierson Brown (winner)
Bruce Wayne vs Tony Stark: Who is the Better Billionaire Superhero?
Don Hall
Jarret Keene (winner)
BUGHOUSE! Chicago #27 | August 5, 2019
People: Inherently Good or Scum?
Lauren Reed
Dave Belden (winner)
Boycotting: The Most Effective Form of Revolution
Brett Dworski (winner)
David Himmel
You’re Wrong and I am Right
Lindsay Williams (winner)
A.J. Miller
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #26 | July 22, 2019
Art: Are We Allowed to Enjoy the Work of Criminals?
Pierson Brown (winner)
Teri Scomedy
Identity Politics: Empowering or Destroying the Progressive Left?
Don Hall
Chimmie Hernandez (winner)
Modern Dating: The Meetup vs Tinder
Donald Hickey
Dana Jerman (winner)
BUGHOUSE! Las Vegas #24 | June 24, 2019
The Public Pool: Oasis of Wonder or Deep Puddle of Filth?
Dana Jerman
Erik Lewin (Winner)
Independence Day: A Celebration of Freedom or Dancing on a Bunch of Graves?
Don Hall (winner)
Jessica Pena
To Procreate or Not: What Value Are Children?
David Himmel
Jarret Keene David Himmel (Winner)