I Believe… [Go to the Gym Anyway…]
…that the days you really don’t want to go to the gym — making excuses, promising yourself that you’ll fast that day if only you can skip — but do are the days that matter most.
…that if I expect someone to provide something I want and they do not, it is my expectations that are faulty not their rejection.
“My self righteousness is better than yours!”
…that the Age of Trump will reveal a great many things to historians 50 years from now: the gaming of American democracy, the strange but inevitable clash of reality TV and 24-hour news, the difficulty of progress when everyone has elevated their cause to moral panic. It will also paint a canvas of how self-righteousness is often as toxic as complacency.
…that hyperbole and exaggerating harm is only truly helpful when used in propaganda or advertising.
…that few things crawl up my ass deeper than the virtue signaling, look at me I’m a feminist ally, self-aggrandizing act of posting “I believe you. I’m always listening” or some sort of Good Will Hunting therapist bullshit. You’re on the fucking internet. You don’t need to write the words “I’m listening.” Just fucking listen, beta male dipshit.
“Belief is a Sledgehammer is like a cold glass of water tossed into my face and a stimulant that challenges me to reassess my values. Mr. Hall is an articulate, somewhat angry, and very reflective writer, challenging, beliefs, social etiquette, and liberal stereotypes. I loved it.” — Paul Teodo