I Believe… [Be An Ally Who Doesn't Self Loathe]
…that when one limits their identity to cultural affiliation of any kind, those are the limitations with which one sees the world. The lens is skewed, the scenery is false, and the reaction to the rest of the world is covered in the gauze of personal rather than universal experience.
Only has that one bit he’s done since 1997 but virtue signals the rest of his set…
…that comics who use their stage time berating other comics for their offensiveness don’t have enough material to fill a twenty-minute set so they court public-shaming as a crowd-pleaser.
…that you can tell who the Midwest and East Coast transplants to Vegas are by their black clothes and walking speed.
…that one can be a cis, heterosexual, white male in America and advocate for anti-racism and anti-sexism and LGTBQ rights without feeling guilty for being a cis, heterosexual, white male or campaigning against masculinity or whiteness.
…that the attack on Joe Biden demonstrates both an undeniable age-ism at play and the proof that women can be just as disingenuous and shitty when pursuing power as men.