The Official White House Moving Sale – Everything Must Go!!!

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by Joe Janes

The Official White House Moving Sale

Everything Must Go!!!

-       Christmas tree display transplanted from a nearby Lowe’s Christmas aisle

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-       A bunker’s worth of disinfectant, hydroxychloroquine, and MyPillow pillows (creepy guy included)

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-       Resolute Desk from the Oval Office – SOLD

-       Tiny temporary desk available January 20th

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-       One “I Really Don’t Care, Do You?” coat worn once

Good for visiting caged migrant children

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-       Unopened gift from Michelle Obama

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-       Easter Bunny with Corrective Lenses costume once worn by DWTS Sean Spicer

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-       The nation’s stockpile of PPE and defibrillators

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-       Many COVID-19 press posters that make great souvenirs

Each comes with a complimentary Sharpie

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-       Several opened umbrellas – as is

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-       One Bible good for photo-ops

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-       30 miles worth of fencing

Almost good for keep out illegal immigrants and protestors

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-       Vice-President Mike Pence – loyal, plays well with other Christian pets (no homos)

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-       Make an offer - Every sale over $5,000 gets a free presidential pardon

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Call Thru The Metal


The End of These Unprecedented Times