The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | New GOP Voter Reforms!
The GOP Voter Freedom Reformation Act
Republican National Committee
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 11am Zoom Meeting
Attendance: Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman
and the GOP: Republican National Committee Leadership
Ronna – Good morning, everyone. Before we start, just want to give a big shout out to the conservative Supreme Courts of Wisconsin and the United States for overturning the Democrat Governor’s demand to move their election because of the pandemic. What a great opportunity for patriotic voters to line up for hours to exercise their freedom under adverse conditions. And if they voted democrat yesterday, odds are they’ll be dead by November. Win-win.
“Voter fraud” continues to be an issue in this country. We have been working hard to develop legislation that will reform all voter laws at a federal level.
- Limit the number of polling stations to one per every 1,000,000 citizens.
- Special Voter Freedom shuttles will made available for people having to travel more than 10 miles to vote for free. Voter Freedom Shuttles will run once an hour and will seat two (including the driver).
- Citizens will need proof of US citizenship by providing seven forms of ID. Driver’s license or state ID, That New US ID Everyone Forgets We Need To Get After the Pandemic, a passport, a utility bill, social security card, NRA membership card, and a flag lapel pin.
- Absentee ballots are available if a request is made via US postal service to the US Election Committee, Guam, two months before the election and returned two weeks before then.
- Early voting will be limited to fifteen minutes before polls open.
- In the event social distancing guidelines are still in effect at an election site, gloves may not be removed when voting on a touchscreen. Reusable “Trump 2020” styluses will be available for use.
- Polling stations are empowered to limit the number of voters at the discretion of polling judges if it looks like it might snow or rain, something good is on television, poll workers are hungry or bored, someone in line is wearing a burka or a hoodie or, in the opinion of election judges, looks suspicious.
- Election supervisors are allowed, at their discretion, to store ballots in basements susceptible to fire or flooding.
- Guns are encouraged at polling stations. The more the better. The bigger the better.
I think this covers it. We’ll be sending this off to congress who vote on it when they reconvene. Or Trump issues an executive order. Whichever comes first.
If a voter wishes to avoid touching the screen of their voting machine, they may shoot at their selection through the bulletproof glass.