I Believe… [Smile. Nod. Ignore.]
…that with studies showing that approximately 45% of tweets concerning the pandemic are bots designed to spread disinformation and increased partisanship, turns out we didn’t learn a goddamned thing in 2016.
…that spending 80% of our concern for the tantrums of 5% of society is a misallocation of our attention. This cuts in multiple directions and on all sides.
…that expecting anyone you yelled at to do what you demand of them is predicated on your belief that you are the only adult in the pre-school and your size and lower testicles are somehow intimidating. You aren’t and they aren’t.
…that I’m starting to adopt a “Smile and Nod and Ignore” more and more people clamoring for attention these days. “COVID was created by Obama!” Smile. Nod. Ignore. “All white people are oppressors.” Smile. Nod. Ignore. “I don’t have to wear a mask at CostCo. It’s a free country!” Smile. Nod. Walk Far Away. Ignore.
…that the pandemic at least is illuminating the facts that being fired from a shitty job with crap wages, being evicted from a slumlord apartment, and being required to stay away from most people are none of them all that bad.
Found on FaceBook. Worth the share…