The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | QAnon Post-Debate Info Drop
Trump signals to his supporters that he would like a large sandwich after the debate.
"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by."
Last night, Donald Trump clearly directed the Proud Boys to Stand Back and Stand By.
Some of his other messages require interpretation. We decode some of his other directives.
Here are President Trump’s other directives.
“I’m getting it so cheap, it’s like water, if you want to know the truth.”
Trump was referring to the cost of insulin. What he’s really saying is that these people who need insulin need to be weeded out of our gene pool. They will literally be given water in insulin containers to encourage their elimination. Water from Flint, Michigan. If you are a strong Trump supporter and need insulin, either get stronger or keep buying the higher priced insulin.
"You've treated the Black community about as bad
as anybody in this country."
The president is telling us directly, that if Biden is president, we will be treated like Black people. We all know how we treat black people. We don’t want to be treated like that. Vote Trump.
“Don’t ever use the word smart with me. Don’t ever use that word.”
President Trump wants us to know he really is smart. So smart, we don’t even have to say it. It is that obvious.
"I'm urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully."
Polish people are the problem.
Joe Biden is the first candidate to call his opponent a clown during a presidential debate and everyone finds it appropriate.