Beware the Socialist Nightmare!
This man will be in charge of security.
by Joe Janes
This November, midterm elections will determine if America becomes more great again under republicans or becomes a third world socialist country by democrats.
Brainwashed “dribberals” (liberals who drool more than they use their brains) see a country where they get everything for free – food, healthcare, narcotics, education, etc – because the government will pay for everything.
Here’s the catch. It’s big government. They want to control every nook and cranny of your life. They bank on you being so dependent on their “giveaways” that you will always vote for them. As soon as democrats take control of the house and senate, you can expect liberal processing centers to open up in every county.
These centers will be called
Healthy Affluent Treasure for Everyone In America
H.A.T.E. America
Upon your mandatory visit to the center, you will immediately walk through a metal director where Sesame Street characters will take your guns. They will also go through your vehicle and your home while you are at the center so they can take all the guns. An unarmed American is a compliant American!
After the metal detector, you will be ushered into a doctor’s office and forced to have an abortion by Lizzo in a mermaid outfit. Everyone will get one, regardless of pregnancy or gender. The only people allowed to skip this step are trans women because they are the only gender dribberals care about. In fact, if you use the bathroom there, you will be forced to do your business right next to a trans person who is directed to leer at your privates. Our advice, keep your legs crossed! That is also our birth control advice.
After that, the nightmare is not over. You will be escorted to a cafeteria and forced to eat a vegan, gluten-free, non-allergen “free” meal while Critical Race Theory read by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is played over loudspeakers.
You will then be ushered into a classroom where a hologram of a laughing Joe Biden will tell you gas prices will continue to rise and your only option is to buy an electric car. If you want to heat your home or watch television, you have to use cancer-causing windmills for power. If you don’t comply, you will be thrown in jail which have been mostly empty since all the drug dealers have been let loose since all drugs are now legal.
To exit the center you have to walk through a voting booth rigged to always select democrat candidates regardless of which button you push. It’s democrats, so you can vote as often as you want.
If you have a job, kiss it goodbye. You will be replaced by an illegal immigrant. Same with your family. Pedro will now sleep with your wife and teach your children how to make tacos every day, not just Tuesday. Your new job is to call and send texts to people to pressure them to give money to the Democratic National Committee while also donating 10% of your minimum wages.
Also, Jesus will be outlawed and only non-Christians will be allowed to practice their faith. We will lose the war on Christmas!
So, if you love America and hate the same people we do, vote republican this November.
Your future depends on it!
Republicans will also be forced to learn dances led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.