I Believe... [Taiwanese Anxiety Disorder]

By Don Hall

...that “Hatred will always find a way, and will certainly always be able to outpace linguistic correctness.” — Christopher Hitchens, that niggardly nancy boy wanker

...that the idea of generational trauma is holistic, crystal worshipping, astrological bullshit designed to promote a sense of injury that simply has no basis in existence.

...that coordinating programs to lift up disadvantaged students is far better than lowering standards to accommodate them.

...that the most nervous government on the globe right now is Taiwan.

...that for those holding out for Donald Trump to go to prison, allow me to sell you a few paintings by former president George W. Bush.


[From the Archives] America is Not the Amityville Horror or Poltergeist House


Eggplant Toothpaste - Thoughts from Miles Tangine, Thought Leader