AI Generated Minutes
The author.
We fed all previous TMOOLM articles into an AI generator
and this is what it created.
There Are Minutes For This Meeting of Ours
Republicans suck. Right? Especially the racist pedophile nutjobs who hold political office. People suck, too. They elected the racist pedophile nutjobs. Big pharma sucks. They are also assholes. Rich people suck, especially if they are white and republican. Poor people are also capable of sucking if they are also white and republican and just on board for the hate ride. Right?
Healthcare in America. SUCKS. I would live in any country that has decent single payer healthcare. Why does improving my health hinge on relocating for employment and/or marriage?
Ted Cruz.
Joke of some sort.
I have never met a good Nazi.
Dogs are cool. Cats are cool. Animals are cool. Except ferrets. Assholes.
If I had a bunker full of food, I would have eaten all the food by now. In a dystopian future, I’ll be the guy going down on people in exchange for Clif Bars. I would also do that in the present. God is dead.
Electing smart presidents seems to be good for the country but stupid people want to elect stupid people who are just louder than them.
Social media is Stupid with a capital “s”. Please like me.
Ted Cruz may be an example of artificial intelligence.