A Message of Hope Before We All Die
by Joe Janes
We recently experienced the hottest day ever on the planet except for maybe when we were just a glob of molten junk or when the dinosaurs bit it hard that one afternoon while sipping tea and playing croquet.
Speaking of dinosaurs, the message about nature in the book and film Jurassic Park is that “life will find a way” – existence persists, even under the most trying circumstances. Good to know as we deal with the devastating effects of global warming.
I’ve been hearing about climate change, under various names, since my first decade of life in the 1960s. Back then, it was called ecology and fake native Americans shed tears on TV while looking out over mounds of garbage. In the 70s, Carol Burnett gave us gentle suggestions to not throw our trash on the ground when she said goodnight at the end of her show. In the 80s, well, I don’t remember much other than we all stood in traffic and tried to hold hands across America one day. In the 90s, it seemed Earth Day, which started in the 70s, was finally getting its moment in the sun for a full 24 hours. There was a blip where we all destroyed plastic six-pack rings so sea turtles would not get caught in them and choke. There were also books filled with tips to make the world a healthier place. Everyone I know, including me, had a copy of 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth.
Post Y2K, the 00’s saw big petro companies and the auto industry trying to squash the electric vehicle. We all know one of the best ways to go for most of our energy needs is solar power. So, why don’t we? Can’t make money off the sun unless you’re selling sun screen, which you’ll need a lot of now. However, you’d have to sell billions of gallons of sun screen to get what oil companies make off our gasoline addiction.
The teens going into this new decade have seen a renewed interest in electric cars and hybrids – the vape of the auto industry – which is good, but it’s not happening quickly enough to make a difference. It just makes the people wealthy enough to afford it feel better.
We clearly can see there is a problem. We can all agree what the sources of the problem are. So, what is the problem that keeps us from using our smarts and technology to protect the planet and our lives? Two factors – greed and stupidity. As long as companies and their share holders can keep raking in millions and billions of dollars, they will. Also, on a ground level, as long as selfish ignorant individual humans throw their soda and beer cans, plastic cups, and plastic bags on the ground or in the water, we’re screwed.
But, Joe, you promised a message of hope.
I did.
Justified is coming back for a limited series! Justified is one of the best TV shows ever. Six seasons of awesomeness with Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins. Not a dud episode in the whole bunch. It rocks. Well-crafted characters perfectly cast in engaging stories. Enjoy while sipping tea and playing croquet!