Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of September 17, 2023

By David Himmel

• I live on this terribly fine line of balancing not showing my emotions and showing too much of them. It’s an exhausting exercise. But I’m fine. Or am I?

• If I could travel through time, I’d go back and invent a time machine sooner.

• You know that feeling when you go for a good run at six in the morning and you pass a Wendy’s and the rest of the morning, a Wendy’s burger is all you can think about? Oh, you don’t? Because I do.

• A lot of people seek out a relationship because they want someone they can just sit and be quiet with. Then they get married and constant conversation becomes Priority Number 1. Not saying that’s my marriage. I actually have no idea. We don’t talk much.

• I think an elementary school field trip to Congress where the kids get the experience of voting on legislation would be quite beneficial for our country.

• Living a good life sometimes means having a really hard time. Life has its rhythms. Roll with the punches, keep your chin above the shit line, and remember the Universe always balances itself out if you let it.


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