I Believe…[The Means is the Point]

...that using your vote to make sure democracy is not destroyed is an oxymoron. If you get to vote and that vote is counted, democracy is just fine.

...that anyone who espouses the idea that "the end justifies the means" has forgotten that this same philosophy was used to support everything from slavery to the Holocaust to the IMF practicing "shock doctrine" economic devastation. The "means" defines the character of the end, not the other way around.

...that a great place to be personally is when I lose my temper and immediately look at the moment and analyze better ways I could have handled myself.

...that Andrew Jackson was just as batshit crazy as Trump is and not only was he president, he got his face on the twenty dollar bill.  Democracy is only as effective as the people driving it and, right now, we're a bunch of narcissistic, lazy, entitled, angry, uneducated assholes. So we get Trump. If we shift to be better people, we’ll get a better candidate.

...that the concept of ‘customer service’ is not the responsibility to take verbal abuse in order to keep those inclined to that behavior mollified. Reward bad behavior and you can expect bad behavior.


What Do You See?
