Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 18, 2024

By David Himmel

• After watching Presidential hopeful Kamal Harris’ speech last night and seeing how cute her husband Doug was with his kiss to her and his little coy boy expression, I am 100 percent sold on voting for her. I want more goofy love—sweet love—in the White House. For eight years, it’s been a divorce that needs to happen followed by a caretaker desperate to keep her husband out of hospice. And, yeah, I guess policy is important, too.

• Bought a new pair of running shoes this week. I love new shoes. I also love Nu Shooz.

• Considering how the DNC disrupted and shut down so much of Chicago, I’m left with this realization: Democracy is the greatest obstacle to progress.

• When I hear people (rightfully) complain about their jobs, I offer this advice to them: Have you considered unemployment? The pay is shit, but the workdays are a breeze.

• A sick kid at home is great. They’re sweet and snuggly and love, just absolutely love their parent. But, a sick kid at home is also the worst. They’re needy and whiny and get real angry when you’re trying to work and can’t respond to their cries for more Goldfish that instant. I’ll say it again… parenthood is a mental illness. But it’s one I’m okay to have.

• The best kind of comedy comes from wanting things to be better.


I Believe… [It’s the Economy, Stupid]


A Truly Chicago Moment