Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 18, 2024
Considering how the DNC disrupted and shut down so much of Chicago, I’m left with this realization: Democracy is the greatest obstacle to progress.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of August 16, 2020
There is rarely a situation I won’t put myself in. You get a better experience at the zoo by being in the cage.
What We Learned from the First Democratic Presidential Debate
Initial media reports are naming Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) as the debate’s winner. More and more, Warren gains favorable ground in my eyes. I like her thoughtful, thorough plans. Yeah, they’re boring and require us to follow the bouncing ball as she walks us through them, but they’re tangible plans, even if she doesn’t repeat them in Spanish.
The biggest difference on the stage last night was not between any of the candidates but the color between Castro’s top and bottom teeth.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | How to Win a Presidential Election
You want women, boy, do we have women! Va-Va-Vavoom! Grab ‘em by the policy!
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.