Oh My God! Jimmy Carter is Jesus Christ!

By David Himmel

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This was originally written circa 2013 and published on the defunct blog, HimmelInk.com. It is being republished here in memoriam of the late Jimmy Carter. We need more leaders like him—they are a dying breed.

“If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.”
— Jesus Christ

“Anyone can be successful in life... This is not based on measuring success by human competitiveness for wealth, possessions, influence, and fame, but adhering to God's standards of truth, justice, humility, service, compassion, forgiveness, and love.”
— Jimmy Carter

I don't remember Jimmy Carter, President of the United States. I was too young and interested only in baby food and breast milk by the time he left office. But I am a student of history and upon reading a minimal amount about Carter's life and times, and after watching an episode of CNN's original series The Seventies, I am convinced that Jimmy Carter is Jesus Christ.

The episode that spawned this realization was “The State of the Union is not Good.” It discusses how America went from one crisis to another in every possible way during the (Gerald) Ford and Carter presidencies. You see, Ford came into office during terrible domestic times. Things were shaky internationally as well. The bumbling career politician doggy paddled his way through three years of a second term left vacant by Richard Nixon before a mostly unknown man arrived on the national scene.

He was kind, soft spoken, came from humble beginnings. He was religious and considerate of those who were in need—the American people. Carter won the presidency over Ford because we wanted an outsider. We wanted someone who was good. And so we elected a peanut farmer to be our leader. And his presidency was the second coming.

And like Jesus Christ’s time spent preaching and trying to convert the wicked to ways of caring, Carter’s time in the White House was short lived. He came. He preached. He wanted us to give up our possessions, or at the very least, not put so much importance on all of our stuff. He asked us to make sacrifices for the greater good. Carter’s message was the right one, just like Christ’s. And perhaps, just when we needed them both most, they were publicly and viciously crucified by Ronald Reagan. And like Christ’s influence became stronger after his life on earth, so did Carter’s influence become stronger after his time in the Oval Office.

Carter himself said, “I can't deny I'm a better ex-president than I was a president.” Similarly, Christ himself said, “I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.” Better now than before.

I know unwavering conservatives hate Carter and will certainly disagree with this realization but here's the thing: Carter, a democrat, created the modern republican. He embraced the Iowa caucus and prayed in public. And isn’t it just like the conservative to disapprove of the liberal? Did the powerful and conservative Romans and Jews not disapprove of Christ?

Christ rose to heaven. Carter is married to a woman named Rosalyn, which means rose. What's more, is that both men had trouble in the Middle East. Carter with the Iran hostage situation and Christ with the being beaten and tortured situation. And if you need any further proof that Jimmy Carter is in fact the second coming of Jesus Christ, consider this: They both share the initials J.C.


Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of January 12, 2025


I Believe… [Heroin Chic]