I Believe... [Russiagate is a Smokescreen]
By Don Hall
Woe is the self loathing male with his sad, wrinkly johnson...
...that the need for self-expression combined with the faulty promise of access to the megaphone of social media has created a reward for disingenuous posturing and boasting of virtues best left felt rather than heard. Watching Matt Lauer do a PSA against sexual harassment is just a national example of doughy guys on Faceborg signaling their sad complicity and sorrow for having cocks.
...that I keep telling myself that age is nothing more than a state of mind but my lower back and feet keep reminding how completely full of shit I am...
...that, if all the rest of these gropers, harassers and predators were as clueless as Al Franken (who only gropes or harasses women when in public and in front of cameras) it’d be way easier to get them. Amazing how stupid this brilliant, progressive senator is to only harass in front of other people.
...that anyone surprised that the GOP Senate is trying to push through a Trickle Down Tax Plan has managed to turn their recent memories off. This is what they do while you're screaming about everything else and watching Stranger Things 2. VOTE THEM OUT and we'll be faced with different problems.
...that Russiagate is ultimately going to go nowhere. No impeachment, a couple of low-level staffers charged and pardoned. If you bother to read the charges rather than only read the clickbait headlines, Flynn was asked to influence the Russians not the other way around and, even if we sweep the elections, Trump isn’t getting ousted. How about a new strategy?