I Believe… [Surprise! Just When You Thought Alabama Was Done Taking a Shit!]
…that the sudden shock and surprise that several of our worst states in terms of rights for anyone but the wealthy decided to put laws into place to challenge Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court indicates either a blissful ignorance or a sad complacency. It’s like we saw the big dog eating bowls of slightly rotten meat and its own feces and, days later, were awestruck when it shit all over the living room.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 12, 2019
It’s not just men who are ruining things for women. It’s also the women who agree with the men and support them. Selfish and mean behavior is as fluid as gender itself.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Alabama Fetus Fest 2019!
We’ll have the young ladies compete for the honor of being Little Miss Carry.
How do you want to be defined? By one action? By some opinion that could evolve? By a mistake, regrettable only with hindsight? Or by the sum of your parts? Okay, do that for other people. Start the trend.