Tribal Allegiance Didn't Save Anyone from COVID
I'm not into tribes these days. Tribalism did not save one person who contracted COVID and died from it. It won't save the next, either.
Merry Christmas from the Afterlife
I can see them when I sneak out from the basement, walk to the front of the house and peek into the windows like a pervert, but I cannot participate in their life. I can hear them occasionally talking about me, but the longer I’m down here, the less I come up in conversation. In another few days, I expect to hear the voice of a man telling Katie he’ll love Harry like he was his own just before he moves his shit into my house.
What Critical Thinker Aaron Rodgers Believes
Aaron Rodgers believes that Big Bird isn’t real.
Bullet Flu & The NRA Variant
If you have a gun and go outdoors, wear a mask.
I’m Not Going to Get Vaccinated and You Can’t Make Me!
Dumbo-crats are buying babies, drinking their blood, and then giving the rest to pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines and baby jerky. Baby jerky that Tom Hanks then sells to his friends in Hollywood.
The Life of Zealots and the Refusal to Play Well with Others
Locke and Rousseau argued that we gain civil rights in return for accepting the obligation to respect and defend the rights of others, giving up some freedoms to do so.
Say NO-lio to the Polio Vaccine!
Who is funding this vaccine? J. Paul Getty, that’s who!
I’m Not Anti-Vax. I’m Anti-THIS-Vax!
I asked to speak to a manager and was rudely told to move along.
Happy Birthday to Me. I'm 53. I Feel Old.
This past year, the year of the pandemic, is the year I grew old.
Live Free, Die Texan!
If you contract COVID and the hospital is full, don’t be a baby about it.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of December 6, 2020
The only people who care about Hanukkah are bored Jews and gentiles trying to be nice.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Winning the War on Thanksgiving
Say “Merry Thanksgiving” to everyone. Take off your mask so they can hear you.
Donald Trump Declares Himself the 45th and 46th President of the United States
The Patriot Protection Act declares a one-mile radius around the White House to be “lava”.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | A Eulogy for Donald Trump
On his tomb stone is inscribed, “This is Obama’s fault.”
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of September 20, 2020
Fall is always in such a rush to get here. Spring refuses to leave. Summer is a fair-weather friend, and winter is a drunken old bastard with an axe to grind.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – McConnell’s Scaled Down Relief Bill
If your income is over $150k - A China Virus Swag Bag!
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Questions to Ask Yourself to Have a Great Day!
Are these the same clothes I slept in?
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | The Cure For COVID-19
I’m Dr. Joe Janes, MD. MD stands for Mediocre Duck. (quack)
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 12, 2020
Side-by-side refrigerators with narrow, vertical freezers are humanity’s most despicable creation. Worse than pollution, weapons of war, and blind American patriotism combined.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Politicians Meet on Tracks to Discuss Likelihood of Trains
The politicians celebrate their victory as the train continues to run over people.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.