The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Politicians Meet on Tracks to Discuss Likelihood of Trains
Have you or anyone you know been hit by a train?
Politicians Meet On Railroad Tracks
To Discuss Likelihood of Trains
Where: Tracks
When: Now
Who: Politicians (USA)
A large group of politicians are standing on railroad tracks.
They are told by a transportation expert that a slow-moving train is scheduled to come through, but they don’t see it or hear it, so they continue standing there.
Soon, they see a light in the distance and hear the distant sound of a train engine.
They start a committee to investigate the likelihood of “trains.”
They determine that trains do not pose a threat because they just saw a bus go by. The train will just go away.
The slow-moving train starts to hit them.
Quite a few of them are dead, but the rest agree that if those deaths are not reported, then it’s not that bad. They also agree that many people get hit by trains every year and the media should really be reporting about the people that got hit and survived. They also blame the train expert for not warning them and they also blame the city the train came from for not stopping it.
The safest thing to do, according to the transportation expert, is to get off the railroad tracks. Some do. Others complain that they have a God given constitutional right to stand wherever they want.
When the slow-moving train is halfway through where they are standing, the surviving politicians vote (above the screaming) to get everything back to normal by reopening the tracks for people to stand on as soon as possible.
The transportation expert warns them this train hasn’t left yet and another one will be coming.
The politicians celebrate their victory as the train continues to run over people.
They also throw the transportation expert under another passing bus.
Vote in November. Vote for the people who listen to experts.
Politicians declare railroad tracks are safe for children.