Pedants vs. Thugs: Examining the Bedrock of Modern Protest Movements
The Far Right is just doing what they have always done. Take the tactics of their perceived enemies and use them for their own ends.
Competing in the Victimhood Marketplace is More Difficult Than It Used to Be
Victim status has gained genuine ground in terms of restitution to the victims of medical malpractice, the poisoning of water in rural areas, and the burning of a woman's labia by way of an incredibly hot cup of coffee.
I Believe… [Game of Moans]
…that in the Game of Moans that is the non-stop embrace of victimhood, among the least convincing is that your Instagram following has been blocked and you can no longer get free hotel rooms and restaurant meals in exchange for an Influencer plug. Also that the Burger King won’t refund you for the undercooked burger because of your race.
I Believe… ["Ruby's Tears": Band or Craft Beer?]
...that the naming of craft beers has now eclipsed the art of naming both bands and albums.
Is This What the Revenge of the Nerds Was Destined to Be?
It all amounts to a race to the bottom - seeking out insult, assigning blame for one's unhappiness on an oppressor, hoping for the sympathy of the crowd, and turning to the power of the mob to obliterate anyone who might lightly tread on the toes of what used to be self esteem.
Slippery Slopes Always Go in the Same Direction
Some might see the cultural desires to censor uncomfortable speech as the end all, be all of the problem but the culture of victimhood—the one that provides more rewards societally in playing the aggrieved than not—is the beginning of so many slippery slopes. Most of these slopes we cascade down begin as a struggle to expand definitions. "Hate speech." "Harassment." "Rape Culture." "Privilege." The expansion of discriminated classes and marginalized groups—from women, to POC, to Obese People, to Demisexuals—is the perfect example of a well intentioned beginning that slips downward.