Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of January 12, 2025
Some of the best literature available today can be found in the Young Readers section of your favorite bookstore. (And it’s okay if your favorite bookstore is Barnes & Noble. I mean, they sell toys there, too. And the employees aren’t preachy snobs.)
Fun Bags to Feed Bags: Advice for Expectant Fathers that will Save Your Marriage and Your Life
There is panic that comes with pregnancy. Panic about your life changing. Panic about whether you are ready. Panic wondering if you can do this, not fuck things up the way your parents did. (They didn’t. You’re fine.) Panic about the health of your child.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 28, 2024
What makes it so hard to believe our kids are as old as they are is not because we don’t understand how calendars work. It’s because we get reminders from Time Hop and Facebook Memories, so it literally is just yesterday we saw them as infants. Social media fucks us in every hole in every way.
The Emotional Placation of Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten graduations are not events I am comfortable celebrating. I don’t feel they should be considered events at all. There’s just not much worth celebrating because graduating from kindergarten is not an accomplishment. Show up, learn things through fun activities like coloring and games and songs, don’t pee or hit or bite the other kids too much and you’re golden.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of January 8, 2023
Jesus… the week of Elvis Presley’s birthday and his daughter, Lisa Marie, dies. The Universe doesn’t care about us, but sometimes, it feels that it does. And it feels like it’s a wry practical joker.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Thanksgiving Week 2022
You know the holiday season has begun when the clerk at the clothing stores barks at you to form the line “back there!” Joy to the world.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.