The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Pastor Joe Explains Racism to White Kids
We have learned from our world studies group watching The Cosby Show
“Colorblind” Is Not Code For “Racist“
That’s what colorblind means to me. Seeing past all the trappings of culture and recognizing that each one of us is almost exactly the same in our desires and needs. When race and culture eclipse fundamental humanity then bigots win almost every single time.
I Believe… [I Have a Dream — Set in a Casino]
…that a casino is the true example of a melting pot of diversity: rich, poor, black, brown, white, English, Spanish, Japanese, German, fat, thin, straight, gay. You wanna see the America you dream of, go to Vegas.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - White Anti-Defamation League
It ain’t racist if it’s the truth!
Life After Hate
It starts as acceptance for someone who has felt alone and has never felt part of something greater than themselves. Someone who’s never felt a part of their family, their school community, society at large, well this is a person at their most vulnerable. And there are a great many individuals out there that feel this way right now as you are reading this. Acceptance into a group, no matter how hateful or backwards their ideologies may seem, is still being accepted. And if it’s for the first time, the euphoria is as powerful as any drug and ten times more addictive.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - GOP Reputation Repair Emergency Meeting
We acknowledge the problem and embrace it. Promise to do better. Plus side, easier to gather voter signatures as we go door-to-door to let people know we are registered sex offenders.
San Francisco's Race Problem
The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system, which serves the San Francisco Bay area is having some problems. In the last 90 or so days, three attacks on its riders have been perpetrated by a group of teenagers. The attacks have included robberies, beatings, harassments—you know, general mischievous teenage behavior gone terribly awry.
The hooligans haven’t been caught. And part of the reason for that is BART’s fault. It’s not releasing the surveillance videos.
"School of Hard Knocks" Teaches You Nothing More Than How to Take a Punch
Mistakes and failure are the ultimate teachers but the School of Hard Knocks Degree is a truckload of self delusion, friends. Your ability to eat a shit sandwich and not vomit makes you an expert in exactly jackshit except for being expert in being YOU and your poor taste in sandwiches. And, I hate to break it to you but YOU are not representative of any group larger than that mirror self you notice getting older and saggier every day.
I Defeated Trump, Racism and the Patriarchy
I had to rethink the strategies employed and, after a few minutes of reading some posts on Facebook and a couple of articles on Medium, I realized how to defeat Trump, Racism, and the Patriarchy with the boldest of actions.
I decided to be outraged and vocal on social media.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.