Man Fights For Right to Marry Fictional Character
I’m open to different species, too. A big slug-like Hutt would be really interesting.
I Believe... [Comfort is Overrated]
I believe... that the worst perpetual state for any human creative is comfortable. Seeking out discomfort is the source of every great risk and every great reward.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Writing The Star Wars Is Easy!
J.J. – Okay, everyone, The Last Jedi is about to open. Time to break the story for the next and last film in the trilogy.
Derek – Shouldn’t we see the film first and see what Rian Johnson did?
J.J. – Sitting at this table are the hottest white male middle-aged Hollywood writers who brought the world Justice League, Batman v Superman, the Jurassic Park reboots… We can do whatever we want. If it contradicts anything Rian did, we can fix it by saying Kylo was lying because of the Dark Side. Or time travel. I like time travel a lot. Great way to fix things.
The Roller Coaster Bluff and James T. Kirk
Confidence isn’t a super power or a magic trick. It’s a delusion that can reap amazing benefits in the real.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Space Force 2: The Wrath of Grapes
They are going to invade our planet and soon there will be a Gagh vessel on every corner.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Q-Anon – The Great Aweakening
Q says Tom Hanks is a pedo. Tom Hanks! That explains the sex scene in Big. And the sex scene that got cut in Turner and Hooch.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Space Force – USS Trump 1776-D Emergency Officers Meeting
Our mission is to avoid strange new worlds. To seek out new sources of income. To boldly stay great.
I'm Not Saying There Are Aliens
I know there are all types of people in the world. I know there are types that believe in weird stuff, who don’t believe in weird stuff, who want to believe in weird stuff and can’t and who don’t want to believe in weird stuff but do. I know you’re out there. I have made contact with each of your kind.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.