When Reality Punches Ideology, We Must Embrace the Flaws in Our Perspective
It’s hard to square the whitewash of white supremacy when so many non-white voters reject the basic premise. When millions of voters who are not white vote for the obvious racist candidate there has to be a more nuanced and data-driven rationale. If the Progressive Left can say with a straight face that Biden won because of black votes or black women votes or Indigenous votes then they must accept that Trump came far closer than expected because of black votes or Latino votes or Muslim votes.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 18, 2020
Man’s worst invention was the wife.
Woman’s biggest mistake was thinking changing her husband would end well.
A Few Bad Apples (and Rampantly Unhygienic Ones, Too)
Keep in mind that the homeless in the 1930s were sort of quaint and charming (and mostly in black and white or sepia toned). They wore suits and had dreams of rabbit farms and getting back on their feet. If you had a job, who would you give a buck to: Burl Ives or Ratso Rizzo from A Midnight Cowboy?
When Facts Dispute Ideology, What Do You Do?
When facts dispute your ideology, please — PLEASE — access that one or two brain cells that control your ability for self reflection and understand that those facts mean your failed solution doesn’t need another shot. You need to come up with a different solution, dumbass.
I Believe... [George W. is Enjoying the Trumpster Fire]
...that, if nothing else, at least the ineffectual pile of runny dogshit that is the Donald Trump presidency has managed to rehabilitate the image of poor, dimwitted George W.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.