I Believe... [George W. is Enjoying the Trumpster Fire]
By Don Hall
...that Republicans spouting off about the efficacy of Trickle Down Economics, with the mountains of real life examples of its complete failure over and over, have become no different than anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers and those who will not let go of the stalwart belief that poutine is somehow fancier than just french fries with gravy dumped on them.
...that #MeToo was started by a black woman a decade ago (no, I'm not saying Alysa Milano is a black woman) and no one really gave a shit, and now that white women on Facebook and Twitter have used it to equate a catcall or an ass grab with forced sodomy (which, let's be frank, is like equating a Crossman 1077 Air Rifle with an AR-15) the floodgates have been opened.
...that there is nothing that improves my general mood than some preemptive blocking on social media. All it takes is one of the frequent dust-ups to see what kind of vapid dipshits people are online and block them before I am exposed to any more of their simple-minded nonsense.
...that while we rage at the wealthy and the powerful abusing the rest of us, we are willfully ignorant of the fact that when we have just a bit of wealth and power over anyone else, we’re just as shitty with smaller consequences. Most of us, given wealth, power and the ability to get away with it (whatever it might be) would be remarkably awful. Don't believe? Look at how generous and compassionate we are with the internet...
...that, if nothing else, at least the ineffectual pile of runny dogshit that is the Donald Trump presidency has managed to rehabilitate the image of poor, dimwitted George W.
I guess starting the longest preemptive war in history is small potatoes in contrast to being an offensive asshole. Easier to forget, I suppose...