Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 25, 2021
The best part about the January 6 Insurrection Committee hearing this week was all the cursing on public radio and television.
I’m Not Going to Get Vaccinated and You Can’t Make Me!
Dumbo-crats are buying babies, drinking their blood, and then giving the rest to pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines and baby jerky. Baby jerky that Tom Hanks then sells to his friends in Hollywood.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of July 18, 2021
Sometimes I think people make things harder on others just to give themselves a sense of control in their otherwise chaotic and mismanaged lives. Those people need a hug. Like, smother them to death.
Say NO-lio to the Polio Vaccine!
Who is funding this vaccine? J. Paul Getty, that’s who!
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 2, 2021
Think about it: the Full House theme song is a cry to make America great again.
I’m Not Anti-Vax. I’m Anti-THIS-Vax!
I asked to speak to a manager and was rudely told to move along.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of January 12, 2020
I’d rather have lunch with a Grand Wizard of the KKK than with a teed up woke white person. The Grand Wizard lunch will be far more civilized.
I Believe... [George W. is Enjoying the Trumpster Fire]
...that, if nothing else, at least the ineffectual pile of runny dogshit that is the Donald Trump presidency has managed to rehabilitate the image of poor, dimwitted George W.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.