The World Is Depressed (Not Me)
A Contest You Don't Want To Win
For all you know the person next to you has more shit in their life than you do, or me. And now you’re thinking, she’s wrong! I have more shit than the person next sitting next to me. And is that a contest you want to win? I don’t! I don’t!
I Know You're Depressed, But What Am I?
This depression is not the cryptic voice of a mountain shaman, filled with deep truths waiting to be deciphered. It is apart from me. It’s goal is only pain, not enlightenment. It is the voice of a playground bully, intentionally finding old wounds to pick at, cruelly leveraging insecurities and cherry-picking past events to spin as negative. Nothing more.
Facebook is Making Me Depressed
Facebook is making me so depressed
I don't know if I can write this poem.
Escaping Hell
I had always wondered what the descent into hell is like. For the record, it was nothing like I had imagined. The drop was unknowing. It was innocent and comforting. I felt understood. The initial plunge into Satan’s lair was my first conversation with Frank.
We're all a little bipolar. The fucking planet earth is bipolar. We all vacillate between happy and sad.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.