The Kids Are (Maybe) Not Alright
How does society help a group largely defined as "impulsive, emotional, risk taking, anxious, unstable, and depressed"?
Alternatives to and variations on the slogan “Defund the Police,” because, let’s face it, it could use some improving, or at least some explanation and elaboration
Could We At Least Get Rid Of The Neo-Nazi, Racist, Fascist, White Supremacist Police Officers? Please? Pretty Please? Is That Really So Much To Ask? People In Other Professions Who Exhibit Racist And Violent Behavior Don’t Get To Hold Onto Their Jobs. They Get Fired. Otherwise It’s A Public Relations Nightmare.
How Americans Learned to Despise Learning
For three generations the benefits of completing a high school education became less obvious. The best and most well-paying jobs required a college diploma and the halcyon days of graduating with solid grades in high school decayed year after year.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Hogwart's, Go Online!!!
The students of Hogwart’s and their instructors should not be meeting in person. Not until there’s a vaccine. I’m just a part-timer. They’re not listening to me. Parents, it’s your child and your money. They’ll listen to you.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Science with Dr. Science!
Dr. Science – Amen for science, Tammy. Amen.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Citizens to Elect Rahm Emanuel – Now What?
We just put it in the bank until we’re ready to roll out negative Trump TV ads. Which is tricky, because we see them as negative, but his base applauds them.
Some Things I Should Have Said: The Teacher's Severance
Before I got fired from my second teaching job, my administrator asked me a series of questions which, in essence, involved asking me to justify my work over the preceding year.
Let's Talk About Teacher Burnout: It's Not the Kids
For the entire time I was a teacher in CPS I would ask why. I'd watch wonderful, inspiring people get beaten down by these frustrating hows and whys and the answers that eluded us. How can we prevent public education in Chicago from degrading any further? Why can we spend money on a new ferris wheel while school budgets get slashed?
College Advice I Took (to My Dismay)
I just read an interesting opinion piece in the New York Times by Susan Shapiro entitled "College Advice I Wish I'd Taken" in their On-Campus section. I disagree with almost everything she wrote.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.