Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of September 24, 2023
Fear can be mastered. Loathing is destructive.
Made Up Controversies for the Modern Republican
VP Kamala Hussein Harris thinks children are edible furniture.
Hey, Do You Watch "Robot Chicken"?
To do that kind of a joke could be considered totally appropriate to some or absolutely unforgivable, depending on the perspective.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - First Date at The Cheesecake Factory
I nearly wept as I wrote on their bill “GYB - smiley face - Skylar”. I explained that GYB means “Got your back” as I set down the check.
How To Talk Small
It's my job to make small talk. I smile. I nod. I squint an understanding squint. Sometimes I mean it. Sometimes I don't. That's my job.
My name's Jack. It's nice to meet you.
Welcome to the fourth biggest, family oriented, entertainment destination in the north central upper third in the lower forty-eight without a mascot.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – “Stormfront White Nationalist Community Summit”
"Attendance is a little lighter than normal this year because of Yom Kippur. Some days are just better than others for vandalizing synagogues."
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.