I Believe... [Packers vs Joe Biden]
…that there is almost no substantive distinction between a rabid sports fan and someone on either side of the political fringe.
I am Matisse
I am Matisse, and this is a kid’s story, because I am a kid. I am nine years old and very responsible for my age. The other Matisse, at least the only other one I know, was a great painter, the father of abstraction. I have decided to be empress of the universe. I’m what adults call precocious.
My Grandma-ma always speaks to me as if I’m the smartest person she ever met. My mom still thinks of me as only nine and my dad, well he just smiles at me all the time. Actually he beams. He doesn’t say much of anything.
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.