Please Harass Me (If This is What Harassment Looks Like)
I'm less certain the new-ish protocol is more respectful but it is definitely more careful and maybe that's enough. I've never really understood the catcalling type of guy but I'm not Italian.
A “Be Best” Experience
It seems to me, anything that can happen in real life social situations can now happen in digital social situations. This proves to be a good thing when it’s time to celebrate. But when it comes to sexual humiliation, you just want it to go away.
Corporate Sexual Harassment Training is a Hamfisted, Poorly Thought Out Necessity
Yes, we watched another video of clueless idiots harassing each other with a dumbfounded obtuseness that defies how actual humans behave. In my time in the workforce, I think I’ve seen five of these videos and none of them are repeats which begs the question: how many fucking Sexual Harassment Training videos are in existence and can we have a mini-film festival featuring the best or worst ones?
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Be Bester
Make Children Great Again!
Finding Three Pain Points — How to Sell Progress
My brief stint selling window replacements did garner me some insight on the process that, as I look out into our divided country, I can’t help but wonder if the technique used to get people to spend $30,000 to replace their windows might have some value in selling our most untenable ideas to one another.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - GOP Reputation Repair Emergency Meeting
We acknowledge the problem and embrace it. Promise to do better. Plus side, easier to gather voter signatures as we go door-to-door to let people know we are registered sex offenders.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Santa's Workshop All Company Meeting
Santa explained that the Naughty List was at its highest since 2008. Great for the coal industry. Bad for toy making.
Boners! Boners! Boners!: America’s Unexpected Historical Hard-ons
With each revelation that another powerful and popular, often beloved, man has been accused of sexual harassment, we collectively exclaim, “No way! Come on!” and ask ourselves “Who’s next?” Eventually the shock wears off giving way to accusations that aren’t just gross and likely criminal, but also strangely pathetic.
And so, allow me to present to you, recent discoveries of sexual misconduct committed by some of our most treasured figures.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - Sexual Predators Celebrity VIP Chapter
" I don’t know why masturbating in front of someone is considered assault. I’m the only one getting groped.
The Men of Me Too
I’m talking to the guys here.
At first glance, men speaking out on social media in solidarity to the most recent movement to appropriately criminalize, demonize and recognize the all-too-common occurrence of women being sexually harassed and assaulted seems like a great thing. However, I’m concerned that the best kind of solidarity men can offer right now is by shutting up so you don't crowd those women speaking up.
You Aren’t Harvey Weinstein So Calm Down
On the heels of the not so surprising news that a mega-wealthy, older, white, Hollywood power broker turned out to be a serial sexual harasser there are now articles and statuses and tweets going around that other men are now afraid to meet with women because they might then be accused of the same.
Calm down, already.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.