Acknowledging Privilege and Bias Without Shame
It’s possible to recognize that in-your-face racism exists in the United States and to also believe that the “white privilege” framework is misleading and a counterproductive way to discuss it among intelligent humans. In fact, the harder the DiAngelo model of self flagellation is pushed, the less traction for actually finding meaningful solutions to racial disparities in both outcomes and equality of opportunity is gained.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | CANCELLED!
By the way, telling someone to smile more, is an improv note. It’s just a note.
I Believe… [Enforcing Rights Instead of Culling Privilege]
I believe… that it doesn’t make sense to focus on privilege and trying to eliminate it; it would be far more logical and healthy to focus on rights and trying to enforce them.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 17, 2020
Is there anything in the world cuter than a toddler parroting back to you, “Goddammit! Jesus…”? The answer is yes. That same toddler parroting back to you, “The fuck is your problem?”
I Believe… [You Are Not Your Credit Score]
...that if you judge your own success by your credit score, I’d like to point out there is a Kool-Aid stain on your shirt.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Men Reclaim Words
My wife just had a hysterectomy. I have no idea what it is. It’s a woman’s body thing.
White Privilege: Still Struggling over What to Do with It
My issue is not nor has it ever been questioning the existence of white privilege but what to do about it. So far, no one seems to be able to give me a path toward sharing the privilege or shedding it aside from the Catholic admission of sin and continued confession.
The White People I Hate
I’m a white guy. My wife is white, by today’s standards anyway. By that, I mean she’s Sicilian. She doesn’t speak Italian but her parents did. She is of Sicilian descent, shall we say. And there was a time not too long ago in American history where Italians, specifically Sicilians (you know, the brownish ones), we’re not truly considered white. Maybe the measure back then was, “Would they sell him the KKK robe?” And the answer in my wife’s parents’ case would be “No. Don’t sell those Sicilians this nice, fresh, white KKK robe.” See what I mean. Societal constructs, blah blah blah, etc.
Lena Dunham is the Female Version of Brett Kavanaugh
Lena Dunham is the female version of Brett Kavanaugh. Dunham is saturated in privilege and showers herself in entitlement. She has tried to disguise it as feminism but it’s not. It’s rich, white, East Coast Society privileged entitlement. Simple as that. And white women feminist have turned a blind eye to her bullshit for too long.
White Privilege: Finding Pragmatics Apart from Spiritual Dogma
The automatic response to a white guy rejecting this approach is that it makes me uncomfortable and that I’m fragile. I’m anything but uncomfortable with having conversations. I believe that dialogue rather simply being told to shut up and listen is the key to growth. That said, having a dialogue about sin with a religious zealot is a cul de sac from which there is no escape.
Notes from the Post-it Wall — Week of September 17, 2017
• I’m a honky with a dingdong, therefore, everything I say means nothing and I’m the bad guy. And so is he.
Tell Them One Thousand-and-One Times and Then Change Your Tactic
If you were watching that parent scream at his child, you might suggest he try another tactic rather than hostility and demands. You might suggest that another approach to his child might bear a more fruitful result. You might suggest that his frustration and rage, while perhaps completely justified, is not achieving the result he wants. And, sure, he might tell you to stick it up your ass but at least you tried.
I Fully Acknowledge My White Privilege. Now What?
The terms "white privilege," "white fragility," and the concept of "white tears" have been so overused (at least on my FB feed and on Twitter here in my haven of diversity that is Chicago) that it has all become nothing more than empty rhetoric. This is not to say these things do not exist. There should be no question as to the necessity for acknowledging these conditions that exist in our fundamentally white supremacist institutionalized system.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.