American Shithole #43 | GOP Senators are the Embodiment of Cowardice
By Eric Wilson
I hope we get to hold them down and carve a giant “T” into their thick fucking skulls before this is all over — although I imagine history has far worse in store for them. The “T” is for Traitor, of course, although that word will become synonymous with Trump in due time.
If we’re lucky, this will be congressman Steve King’s vantage point in the very-near future.
Bennedict Arnold may have finally caught a break.
The day is coming when the republican leadership crewing Trump’s extended voyage as our Traitor in Chief will finally drown at sea in a storm of their own making — not that most of the rats haven’t already abandoned ship. Working toward the selfish aims of our country’s worst billionaires is one thing; working alongside Trump and Putin to destroy the United States of America? Well, that is something else, entirely.
Some of these Senators are going to jail; all of these motherfuckers are ruined.
I particularly look forward to the rock Mitch McConnell has set aside to hide under providing no cover; instead being lifted and dropped repeatedly on top of him — preferably by children recently granted asylum from Honduras.
Although the surviving members of Monty Python would serve just as well.
In my mind I can taste the first billionaire Trump supporter losing everything, and knowing only incarceration and ruin until their dying day; I can taste it as if it were the water of life. Please universe, gift humanity the destruction of the Mercer family; and all the rest of these revolting, bloated Klepto-Capitalist ticks.
If you listen closely, you can hear them suck, suck, sucking the potential out of every human being on the planet.
Think of Billionaires like these lights… these horrible fucking lights. Run Tom! Sail to the Wu!
But first, these spineless GOP Senatorial fucks — along with their whole shitgibbon-loving party — must experience a baptism of fire. The unholy constructs of ultra-conservatism that they’ve erected in fealty to the gods of avarice must be reduced to jagged I-beams and molten slag. I know they’re scared; they need to be terrified before they’ll change.
Good morning!
It’s Tuesday (my typical American Shithole day) where I allow myself to wallow in news feeds for as long as I require — and not a minute more.
So let’s review:
College football national champs the Clemson Tigers visited the White House, and McDonny (in their honor) dropped a coupla hundo on some shit-burgers (and other assorted semi-edibles) better suited for a child’s birthday party.
Did he get them a bouncy room, too?
How about a piñata?
Was there a pony in the White House?
Meanwhile, Trump is working on Putin’s next demand — that the U.S. leave NATO.
With a vote of 424–1, the House of Representatives moved to take a giant shit on Congressman Steve King’s blatant racism, approving a resolution rejecting white supremacy and white nationalism; and in a rare moment of clarity, House Republican Leaders removed King from his powerful positions on judiciary and agriculture committees. King had recently reiterated what a Nazi tool he is, and this time it finally cost him something.
In other parts of the world where horrors abide, British lawmakers rejected Theresa May’s Brexit deal by an overwhelming (and possibly Tory leadership ending) 230 votes.
Monty Burns’ doppelganger, along with the rest of British Parliament, hasn’t seen a loss like this in a century.
(Update: As of Wednesday, May has survived a vote of no confidence.)
Back in the old USofA again…
Attorney General nominee William Barr danced around questions regarding the Mueller investigation in his bid to be associated with this administration — when literally no one else seems to be willing to lash themselves to this giant, orange albatross — which should make everyone nervous, despite what he had to say.
And Mueller has given the judge “documentary evidence” of Manafort’s lies.
Double ouch.
Let’s not forget the bombshell reports from both the New York Times and the Washington Post this past weekend… any doubt our president is anything but a Russian asset is over.
Let me repeat that.
The President of the United States is a compromised Russian asset.
Taken right after our recent election results were in?
And yet, through all this — we’ve all suffered over two years of this nightmare now — Republican senators cower behind a traitor.
You have done nothing, and you will be remembered for nothing else, Senators. You will all be held accountable for your absentee governance and stunning lack of response to treason and treachery.
Before Christmas, the Senate voted 100–0 on the House budget proposal, and at the last minute, after some skeleton-woman, and FOX News alt-right mouthpieces blew Trump shit for being weak on the wall, he vetoed the legislation.
Here was your chance to check the Trump base, Republican senators; gauge a reaction by overturning that veto and keeping the government open — but you didn’t, and you won’t.
What a waste of an opportunity.
By doing so you might have gleaned how Trump’s base would react to impeachment. You might have been able to both do the right thing, and survive.
You had the opportunity to be American heroes, possibly heroic enough even to save your pathetic excuse for a political party; perhaps your very souls. Not to mention, the rest of us.
Rome is burning, Senators — yet still you scurry towards shadows untouched by flame.
The GOP Senate of the Trump era: cowards, every motherfucking one of them.
(Update: On Wednesday, Senate Republicans refused to block the Trump administration from easing sanctions on Russian billionaire and close Putin ally, Oleg Deripaska.)