I Believe… [90% of Republicans Approve of The Trump, We Might Want to Re-strategize This Deal]
…that the United States is not unusual as a nation built on the genocide and enslavement of people. That’s not an excuse but a fact to contend with.
…that we’re all dying from the moment we’re born and if that’s the best you have in your daily grind to ruminate upon, your life is going to be one dismal fucking dirge. Half full, motherfuckers. The glass, that is.
She was sitting right behind me and had an orgasm the second No Doubt’s “I’m Just a Girl” underscored a big fight scene.
…that maybe the filmmakers were trying a bit too hard to do the Girl Power thing with Captain Marvel. I still enjoyed it but the nonstop reminder that she is a she and isn’t that amazing seemed like having a Fourth Wave Feminist sitting next to me, jabbing me in the side and whispering “You get it! She’s a woman! Fuck the Patriarchy cuz she’s a woman superhero!”
…that if 90 percent of Republicans approve of Donald’s “work” as president in February 2019, we’re doing a piss-poor job persuading them otherwise.
…that forty-seven months seems light for what we all believe Manafort did but just about right for what he was charged with and will eventually be pardoned. Justice is a fickle bitch, right?