I Believe… [Vapid Pursuits Leave Us With No Heroes]

…that Rachel Dolezal is white, that Donald Trump is a dishonest used car salesman, and that TransWomen are TransWomen.

…that in pursuit of more we often miss out on enough.

…that in a period when our heroes are labeled heroic because they are wealthy, famous, or both it’s no wonder we live in a perpetual state of despair.

…that if Trump somehow pulls it out in November it will be entirely the fault of the Left. There is simply no rational reason to vote for this maroon. Which would make it exactly like 2016.

…that one thing the pandemic can’t take away: the feeling of freedom and badassery that comes with driving, your arm out the window, listening to “Fat Bottomed Girls” on the radio, and catching every green light on the way home.


In-The-Dark-Cloud Town Where People Wear Mud


I Built You, And You Served Me Well