Trump Demands Recount of Number of Racists in Georgia
Chester Doles, known white supremacist with Kelly Leoffler, known to like white supremacists.
Written by Joe Janes
Trump Demands Recount of
Number of Racists in Georgia
This morning on Fox and Friends, President Trump called in and had this to say as he rambled on for a full hour to speechless hosts…
“Where are my racists? Look at my rallies. Look at my rally on Monday night. We packed that airport field. The airport people tell me, ‘Mr. President, Sir, we’ve never had this many people crammed into one space on the tarmac before.’ People tell me it’s the most concentrated amount of racism in one place. That’s not including today in DC. Someone should get the Guinness beer people. Probably a world record. It doesn’t make any sense. You’re telling me all those rednecks voted and we didn’t win. Kemp, Raffensperger, his brother, all those people are doing a lousy job.”
He went on to address Senators Perdue and Loeffler…
“Good people. Fine people. They love Trump. All of Georgia loves Trump. Kelly and David, who love Trump a lot and are going to oppose the rotten electoral college votes. Kelly and David campaigned with known racists. People that everyone knows hate black people. Georgia has always been pro-white. Look at George Wallace. Not the comedian. The politician. That racism goes all the way back to slavery and plantations and popular TV shows, like Designing Women. They were all white those women. There was one funny black guy who worked for them, and, frankly, there should always be a funny black guy. That’s why Ben Carson is in my cabinet. I don’t know what he does. He doesn’t know what he does. He just makes everybody laugh with his funny faces. You can’t tell me there aren’t enough racists in Georgia to elect Trump, David, and Kelly.”
And President Trump had this is say about the election results…
“If you look how the evening unfolded, they won. In the first hours, Loeffler and Perdue were winning. They won, frankly. The democrats don’t want me to say that. They won. It’s like the exaggerated testing numbers on the China Flu. You keep testing, you’ll get cases. If you keep counting votes, after Trump has already won, you’ll “magically” find votes for Biden or whoever. It’s a rigged system and unfair and we’re going to keep fighting. In my second term, look for my new hat, We Made America Great, available as soon as they come in from China.”
Three racists compare the size of their assholes. The thumb and forefinger is the perimeter and the number of fingers indicate how many of them they can get up in there.