But I’m A Genius! Film Director Mitchell O. Durnstein Responds To Being Cancelled
All the black characters in my next movie are played by Tyler Perry which proves I’m not racist!
Trump Demands Recount of Number of Racists in Georgia
Look for my new hat, We Made America Great, available as soon as they come in from China.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | RNC “Secret Menu” Platform
Q. Like I.Q., without the intelligence.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | CANCELLED!
By the way, telling someone to smile more, is an improv note. It’s just a note.
Resolve of the Righteous: What to Do Once the Protests are Past
I hope these historic protests give us a new narrative frame. I hope, instead of laced with rage and hurt, it is scented with optimism and inclusion. I have nothing but respect for the Grand Dreamers and every black person out on the streets of cities across the globe are grand and courageous and inspiring.
Chris Churchill Saves the World | The Right to Be Ignored
Here in America, we have a lot of rights written into the Constitution. You can own bear arms. Your church can speak to the media. The media can speak about church. You can bring your own snacks into the movies. It’s all in there.
There are also basic human rights that don’t always make it into the founding documents of any particular nation. Controlling your own body. Having a good quality of life. Bringing your own snacks into a hospital.
There’s one right that I don’t hear enough people talking about.
Here’s another one I never hear people talking about: The right to be left alone. The right to be completely ignored.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Orange Is The New I Don't See Color
I’m a republican female. That still counts for something with people, like widows, women who hate themselves, foreign mail brides.
Progressive Unity in the Face of MAGA
"OK. To start off, I want to open up the discussion with a simple question. Was a vote for Donald Trump a racist act? If he ran his campaign on racist rhetoric was the act of voting for him a sign that you are a racist as well?"
Yes, Lady From The Federalist, Adults Did Fail the Covington Catholic Boys
Adults have failed these kids by being all too willing to accept that nice white Catholic boys obviously could not have intended to be racist, and therefore were not racist. Adults have failed these kids by raising them inside a comfortable bubble of wealth and whiteness and teaching them they don’t have to bother thinking beyond the walls of that bubble.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Covington Catholic High School
Covington Catholic High School’s attempts at Diversity Outreach have been grossly misinterpreted by the media.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Emergency Meeting of the Ambien Marketing Department
Our hashtag #Ambien is trending. That hasn’t happened in forever. Even when the whole department did the ALS challenge while on Ambien.
Life After Hate
It starts as acceptance for someone who has felt alone and has never felt part of something greater than themselves. Someone who’s never felt a part of their family, their school community, society at large, well this is a person at their most vulnerable. And there are a great many individuals out there that feel this way right now as you are reading this. Acceptance into a group, no matter how hateful or backwards their ideologies may seem, is still being accepted. And if it’s for the first time, the euphoria is as powerful as any drug and ten times more addictive.
fights we will never win
There's a lot of talk about eliminating cancer. The thing is, that just can't be done. It's a fight we will never win. Cancer is a cellular defect, life jacked up to an exponential degree, and while we may be able to kill cancerous cells, we'll never really be free of cancer, really.
The Search for Tight Post-Racial Abs
Jack realized he had, as all humans tend to, gotten older and had gotten fat. Not 'sack of lard' fat, not 'needing a scooter to get around' fat, but there was more weight on him than he preferred.
Jack joined a gym.
As the Left Eats Itself from Within...
These Be Beasties with Teeth
By exaggerating the harm of idiot college students wearing black face and the horrors of white women wearing corn rows, we forgot the very direct devastation that the true active bigots can deliver.
A Montessori education is child-led and parents shamed. And judging by the classroom toys and décor, it’s an education opposed to color and joy.