The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | The Sin of Rainbow Cake
God – Rainbows are one of my best creations. I was very high when I made them.
Chris Churchill Saves the World | Love Notes
Beware: Mushy stuff ahead. God stuff. Love stuff. This is what I feel.
I Want Someone to See What is Good in Me
Some say we are all sinners
I don’t believe in sin
Don’t believe in God either
But Laawwdd I know I’m not perfect
though I try to be
every day as I struggle to get out of bed
make my way
get through the day
The 5 Stages of Grief When You Realize God Is Dead
That’s the one thing atheists tend to forget: this is a process. You don’t just stop believing this stuff. It takes a long time. And it’s scary. You’re scared to look into the black hole, because all you see is darkness. You wonder how you’re even here at all. How are any of us here? Then you ask the question everyone gets to: “What keeps you from killing yourself?”
He Was Born Of A Non-Virgin Non-Mary
He was born of a non-virgin non-Mary.
He was born a month prematurely, disrupting his mother’s plans for a large feast of Italian beef sandwiches, dipped, with all the fixings.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - Archangel Alliance
“Whaddup, motherfuckers? Don’t mind me. I’m not here. You go ahead and just do your thang. Your sweet, sweet thang. Seriously, Michael. Go on ahead. Ignore me. I’m cool.” — God
Dog Day — A Dystopian Story
To combat a rabies epidemic, Chicago of the near future decides to enforce "Dog Day," whereby owners are forced to unleash their pets for 24 hours. The events of the day are seen thru the juxtaposition of animal and owner.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.