Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of June 26, 2022
Look on the bright side of things. The pandemic was a boon for hand sanitizer manufacturers and with Roe v. Wade overturned, the makers of Plan B are going to make a killing!
Caravans of Americans Head to Canada’s Borders
The USA is fraught with danger from organized criminal groups known as Christians and politicians.
It's My Baby (to the tune of "It's My Party")
It's my baby, and I'll kill it if I want to
Kill it if I want to, kill it if I want to
You would kill it too
if pregnancy was forced on you
I Believe… [Your Delusion is Showing]
…that if you see the world as an Either/Or proposition, a place of definable Good and Evil, and a belief that the righteous will prevail, you’re living in a delusion fueled by comic books, blockbuster movies, and religious propaganda. Go watch Requiem for a Dream, Glenngarry Glen Ross and Magnolia, and grow up.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 19, 2019
Clocking in at 3 a.m. when the bit of work is the last thing on your day’s to-do list couples a sense of mania with the feeling of awesome productivity.
Then again, how effectively productive were you if you’re going to be wrapping your day up at 5 a.m.? Putz.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Alabama Abortion!
Alabama. Home of the Zero Legal Abortions!
Rep. Merika Coleman (D) - “Jesus Loves the Little Children” is a song. Not a Bible verse.
Rep. Terri Collins (R) – I guess that’s depends on how you interpret the Bible.
Rep. Merika Coleman (D) – Or on your ability to read.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | South Texas Family Life Choices Legal Clinic
All I’m asking is that you consider other options. Think about it. Take your time. Come back in ten, fifteen years and tell me how you feel. You know, many people die from simple accidents or natural causes. If you wait, they might just die on their own.
I Believe… [Auto Insurance is a Scam]
…that the idea of insurance is a great one but the reality of getting your parked car hit by a drunk kid in his mom's truck with scam insurance and then having to negotiate the value of your car with your own insurance company that has determined the cosmetic damage is too costly to fix so fuck it, it's a total loss, we'll settle with you for a third of the resale value of the car is not so fucking great.
On Being Wrong (And Admitting It)
Back when I cast my vote for George W. Bush, I was 21 years old, voting in my first presidential election. I was wrong about a lot of shit back then.
I’m probably still wrong about a lot of shit now. Though less, I hope, than when I was 21.
The Minutes of our Last Meeting – GOP Emergency Meeting for an Action Plan to End Gun Violence
"Seriously, abortion is just the worst, unless it’s a pregnant mistress."
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.