I Believe… [Brandon Stark in 2020]
I believe… that I don’t need the presidential nominee to be exciting. I’ve had nearly four years of exciting and I’d like a nice, competent president that I only know about when he (or she) passes some quality legislation that helps the country. Maybe someone like Brandon Stark.
Any Fiction Can Be Written By Anyone
Who has a right to tell what pretend stories? The answer is simple: Anyone who doesn’t suck at writing.
Cummins’ American Dirt doesn’t take the story of immigrants away from actual immigrants. They have their stories. They should tell them. And here’s where the rub is: they must have the platform to tell those stories. That is, publishers ought to be looking for diverse voices. Not simply to fill a skin color or gender quota, but because diversity is a great thing for creativity. I don’t know what the publishing industry is like for a person of color. I do know that I’ve come across a lot of agents and publishers who are looking specifically for women and people of color, which rules me out. Which is why I think the diversity should be about the stories. What’s good? What’s got a new approach to a familiar tale? Perhaps that comes from fewer white men. Sure, I don’t care. That just makes me have to work harder to be better. Feels like a good challenge to have.
I Believe… [If You Appropriate, Pay the Toll]
…that cultural appropriation is best addressed by making sure those cultures appropriated are handsomely paid for it. Even then, it's iffy but economic redress is concrete rather than an apology.
I Believe... [We Are Poised to Lose 2020]
...that the Progressive slogan for Election 2020 is now officially "Cutting Off Our Noses to Spite Our Faces."
I Believe...
I believe...
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.