Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 14, 2024
I don’t think Trump should round up the immigrants. Round up and deport the influencers.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Archangel Alliance Committee on Human Affairs
Asking people to see their halos creates a hostile environment.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Trump 2026
Mike Pence had a breakdown last year and moved to Key West and does drag shows under the name Ernest SOHeminGAY!
Finding Three Pain Points — How to Sell Progress
My brief stint selling window replacements did garner me some insight on the process that, as I look out into our divided country, I can’t help but wonder if the technique used to get people to spend $30,000 to replace their windows might have some value in selling our most untenable ideas to one another.
Chris Churchill Saves the World | America is a Country of Losers — Part I
America is a country of losers. It’s not and an insult. It’s and observation. I love America so don’t ask me to leave it. I simply observe that our great nation, The United States of America is made up of losers and the descendants of losers.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | More Troops Being Deployed to Border
I thought we were only going to use the caravan threat in election years.
The Zen of Death Cleaning | Part 1
Due to a recent death in the family and through a very specific set of circumstances, a peculiar history if you will, several generations of things including furniture, dishes and glassware, books, family photographs, art created and collected by family members, plus handwritten notes, cards, diaries, etc. have accumulated in one house which I find myself compelled to look through.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Space Force 2: The Wrath of Grapes
They are going to invade our planet and soon there will be a Gagh vessel on every corner.
American Shithole #21 — Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III: Feckless Runt
I know there are some liberals out there that have been hanging on to the idea that if progressives just get a little quieter, the problem will go away. I love you, but no, it won’t. You need to get angry, motivated, and involved.
Don't Be A Biff
Regardless of what the actual reality is, all generations need to see the error in thinking this way and speak up to people that express sentiments such as these. Break the mold. Change the future. Create examples of compassion and kindness for younger generations, who may then escape unmarred by such outdated thinking.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – 1790 House Committee on Immigration Meets with President George Washington
Washington - Why don’t we ever get people from Norway stacking themselves in the bowels of ships clamoring to come to America?
A Montessori education is child-led and parents shamed. And judging by the classroom toys and décor, it’s an education opposed to color and joy.