I Spell Republican W-I-N-N-E-R Because I Don’t Know How To Spell
Not sure how I officially change from Dem to Republican other than to disable spelcheck.
Senator Kyrsten Sinema Switches Species
Arizona deserves a representative that speaks for them and is gelatinous.
[From Back in the Day] All Art is Political
But where, might you ask, is Art in all this. Well, if the concept of Politics precedes everything, guess what, Art, informs everything that politics and language created because 70,000 years ago, Homo sapiens developed an ability no other animal possesses, the ability to imagine that what which can not be seen. In other words, Imagination. If there is a dividing line between art and imagination, I’m hard pressed to find it.
Centrism: Not an Embrace of the Status Quo But of Pragmatic Solutions That Reject Rhetoric
Today's centrist is, according to the billions of fucking surveys done in an attempt to explain how a failed real estate trust fund baby and has-been reality TV star managed to be elected president, more Left than Right and more inclined to disagree with tactics than goals.
RNC Guidelines for Choosing Your Republican Bride
If she’s attractive enough, your constituents will respect her.
Of Course He Fucking Said That
If your defense of Bernie is, “Bernie would never say that,” then you’re lying to me or to yourself. Of course Bernie would have said that. Men who pride themselves on being woke have said exactly that to me or within my hearing. I think nearly everyone I know has at least whispered the question: Can a woman win? None of us know yet if the answer is yes.
All Art is Political
But where, might you ask, is Art in all this. Well, if the concept of Politics precedes everything, guess what, Art, informs everything that politics and language created because 70,000 years ago, Homo sapiens developed an ability no other animal possesses, the ability to imagine that what which can not be seen. In other words, Imagination. If there is a dividing line between art and imagination, I’m hard pressed to find it.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting I Always Remember Trump
This will be a 9/11 people will never forget!
There’s a reason why the flames lick higher and higher…
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Trump 2026
Mike Pence had a breakdown last year and moved to Key West and does drag shows under the name Ernest SOHeminGAY!
Repost: Playing Dead in the Face of Responsibility
Human beings are among the most vulnerable creatures on the planet. No armor, no big claws, can't fucking run fast, not particularly strong. Even the strongest man on the planet (you know, the redneck fucker who can pull a tractor with his teeth or hang an anvil from his balls) is just a thin-skinned hot dog meal to a mountain lion.
So we compensate with misdirection.
TRUMP DUMP: An Easy Reader
I’m Donald Trump and I am big.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Alabama Fetus Fest 2019!
We’ll have the young ladies compete for the honor of being Little Miss Carry.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – The Barr Investigation into the Investigation of the Trump Campaign Investigation
The whole thing was tainted with anti-Trump bias from the start. According to the president who gave me this job.
I Believe… [Why Billionaires Shouldn't Run For Public Office]
…that the notion that billionaires are more qualified than others to run the country is founded on the capitalist belief that CEOs are somehow better leaders due to their success in swindling others to amass an unnecessary and obscene fortune. Creating wealth is a fundamentally selfish pursuit; civil service is a selfless occupation. We shouldn’t mix the two.
Yes, Lady From The Federalist, Adults Did Fail the Covington Catholic Boys
Adults have failed these kids by being all too willing to accept that nice white Catholic boys obviously could not have intended to be racist, and therefore were not racist. Adults have failed these kids by raising them inside a comfortable bubble of wealth and whiteness and teaching them they don’t have to bother thinking beyond the walls of that bubble.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Wisconsin Power Grab!
If your body-mass index is less than “obesity” you are probably a perpetrator of voter fraud and not from Wisconsin.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – From the Standpoint of Water
Donald: Like somebody famous once said, “I have a dream.”
Kiff: That was Martin Luther King, Sir.
Donald: I don’t think so.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Trump and Putin – Alone at Last!
Putin: Mr. Putin? Mr. Putin is the father I had killed for speaking out against my regime. Call me Vlad. We are friends.
Do You Want Nazis? Because That's How You Get Nazis.
The next time some centrist idiot suggests that maybe I should just have some chill, I’m going to knock his fucking teeth in. I’m done. I have zero chill.
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.