Holding My Son as We’re Violently Burned to Death     [REPOST]
David Himmel, Poetry David Himmel David Himmel, Poetry David Himmel

Holding My Son as We’re Violently Burned to Death [REPOST]

But, son, I was not lying when I said I’d do anything to protect you.
Anything to keep you safe.
Sometimes that meant watching you put yourself in harm’s way.
Life is pointless without risk.
Sometimes it meant watching you get your heart broken
or hearing your bones break from the bleacher seats on the sidelines.
Harm and hurt, you see, are unfortunately, required of us.
The Universe demands it.
They are two of the many ways we learn and become stronger, better people.
Or so I always tried to be better
and I hope that I instilled that desire in you.

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Y2K 2.0: One Man's Struggle with an Unforgiving Virus
David Himmel David Himmel David Himmel David Himmel

Y2K 2.0: One Man's Struggle with an Unforgiving Virus

Could I have used the watch as it was with its minor malfunctions? Yes. As a sport watch, sure. But Katie paid good money for KITT and I see nothing wrong with wanting new Christmas presents to work as intended. I also expect a lot from Apple products even if they do give me the heebie-jeebies. And they do. But not because I’m afraid of technology but because I carry the Y2K virus in my blood. I am a thriving host for this 21st Century strain of panic.

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Merry Christmas from the Afterlife
David Himmel David Himmel David Himmel David Himmel

Merry Christmas from the Afterlife

I can see them when I sneak out from the basement, walk to the front of the house and peek into the windows like a pervert, but I cannot participate in their life. I can hear them occasionally talking about me, but the longer I’m down here, the less I come up in conversation. In another few days, I expect to hear the voice of a man telling Katie he’ll love Harry like he was his own just before he moves his shit into my house.

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