Before The Eulogies, A Word From The Deceased
Good morning and welcome to my funeral. Or should I say good afternoon?
Batman Eating A Grape
It’s Batman. Eating a grape.
Questions About CDC Guidelines? We Have All the Wrong Answers
My information comes from a board-certified doctor that my cousin’s cousin’s cousin knows.
I’m Not Going to Get Vaccinated and You Can’t Make Me!
Dumbo-crats are buying babies, drinking their blood, and then giving the rest to pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines and baby jerky. Baby jerky that Tom Hanks then sells to his friends in Hollywood.
Awkward Encounter Between Insurrectionists and the Capitol Building at Starbucks on 1/7/21 – As Imagined by the GOP
The Capital Building is the Pirates of the Caribbean of Washington, D.C.
I Believe... [Children Listen]
I believe... that if you treat people like children, they learn to behave like children.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - Online Romance!
We can get to know one another before deciding the desire to have sex is greater than the desire to avoid death.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Our COVID-19 Response
Masks are not a reliable replacement for breath mints.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Shelly’s Georgia Peach Hair Salon and Spa Reopens!
Check out this comb and shears… That’s a rake and a sharp knife on the end of a stick.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting | Thank Trump!
No one be thanking God if they survive. They’ll be thanking Donald Trump.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting - White Anti-Defamation League
It ain’t racist if it’s the truth!
Hey, Do You Watch "Robot Chicken"?
To do that kind of a joke could be considered totally appropriate to some or absolutely unforgivable, depending on the perspective.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Things That Are Trying to Kill Me
Joe’s Penis – We’ve been friends ever since you spilled some shampoo on your junk when you were fourteen.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Baby Boomers Go Boom!
The whole country is going to change. Early Bird specials will just be “specials”.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – Trump and Putin – Alone at Last!
Putin: Mr. Putin? Mr. Putin is the father I had killed for speaking out against my regime. Call me Vlad. We are friends.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting – “Do Me, Dotard”
The committee had a rather snippy debate about North Korea and Donald Trump. By a majority of one, it was decided that in a war of insults, “dotard” destroys “rocket man”. No one knew what a “dotard” was, but figured the t-a-r-d part made it pretty bad. We decided it was not unreasonable to believe The United States should concede all power and property to North Korea based on insults alone.
Dave Chappelle: The World HAS Gone a Little Mad
As it has become standard with these things, I heard a metric ton of negative response to the two Netflix comedy specials featuring Chappelle's return to the stand up stage before I sat down and watched them.
Over at, Damon Young posits Chappelle's humor is grounded in a time that has passed and others simply dismiss the specials as Dave “punching down” by joking about gays, transgender folks and rape.
”His focus on the horror of political correctness, instead, felt like something you’d expect to come from a megarich 43-year-old man from the outskirts of Ohio. Who, instead of evolving with the world, has remained stagnant and believes the world has gone mad while pining for time when things were simpler. Which is who he is.”
Comedy, Work, Poetry, Life, Repeat-
In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth. - Patti Smith
...that being naked in your home is liberating and suddenly makes you feel better about your body.