Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 27, 2024
If we truly believe in a united United States of America, then no matter who wins the presidency, we all lose.
GOP Halloween Candy Warnings!
Good & Plenty promotes a socialist agenda.
I Like to Watch | What Scares You
"What scares me is what scares you. We're all afraid of the same things. That's why horror is such a powerful genre."
Bog Bodies
In ancient times, people were sacrificed to the bog. Now, the souls trapped within bog demand more sacrifices. And if they don’t get them, they will rise, and they will find souls themselves.
The Old Lady's Warning
She’s knocking.
Mystery Spot
Every season is spooky season, in my opinion, and with less than four months til Halloween, you know every little wicked soul is getting amped up for the best holiday. That being said, this here is a story of a strange little shack and several disappearances that will remain unsolved.
The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 6
The final horrors await you just inside the door…
The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 5
This is what you want, isn’t it? You want to know what I saw in that house. You want me to describe it as though it were like any other organism on Earth. Well, it isn’t. What I saw is like no living creature. It was made out of darkness.
The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 3
I couldn’t look at Nyla. I couldn’t feel anything but cold all over. The shadow person stopped pacing and stood just behind us. It bent down, long arms spreading wide, resting its clawed hands on the back of the couch.
The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 2
He told me he was worried about the old guy inside the house. I felt my stomach start to harden as I told him I was the only one who lived there. “Ma’am, I don’t want to alarm you,” he said. “But there’s someone inside. I can see him moving around through the window. Tall, thin, hard of hearing? He was walking sort of hunched over.”
The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 1
It was the best and the worst three days of my life. It was the best because I felt like a good mother for the first time. It was the best because I was falling in love for the first time. It was the worst because, well, you know why. That’s why you’re here. To know the worst of it.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 11, 2020
Most of the drunks I’ve come to know are really fun and funny people. I miss carousing with and observing with their kind. It’s not COVID’s fault—it’s the fault of age, responsibility, and domestication. The silver lining is that my two-year-old son often acts and talks like a drunkard, which quenches my thirst for being among fun lunatics with bad habits.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of October 27, 2019
When someone knows they’re wrong but can’t admit it or is unwilling to take the steps necessary to right that wrong due to pride or self-preservation, they panic. Then they lash out. And they become more and more wrong through their actions and words. That’s what’s happening with the Republican Party and most marriages right now.
The Minutes of Our Last Meeting Dresses Up as Literate Ape for Halloween
There was blood everywhere because, even though I am a vampire, I am a klutz.
Wild One
They entered the open-brick condo eager to rip each other’s clothes off. Maria rubbed the front of Eric’s kakis, while he slid his fingers up her red bubble skirt. He tore her white blouse and sucked from her shoulders down to her fingertips. Maria unbelted Eric’s pants and chucked the leather across the room.
The Old Lady Who Hated Halloween Put A Sign Up Letting Us Know
She felt that she shouldn’t have to be singled out, that the children shouldn’t be bothering people anyway and why not just do away with the practice on the block altogether instead of forcing her to put up some sign.
I Believe… [Shaming People is The Least Creative Approach]
…that shaming people for not voting is still shaming people. Persuade them or suffer the consequences of your lack of creative effort.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Halloween Edition
If I were to go trick-or-treating, I’d rather receive a red delicious apple with razor blades and anthrax in it than Bit-O-Honey.
The Passing of the Hat: A Halloween Story
The harvest moon hangs heavy in the velvet embrace of the sky. Near the curled shoes of Bella Baker, a toad jumps into taller grass. The song of crickets rises and falls. The crisp air of Samhain finds all exposed flesh and gives it a little nip, just enough to remember that one is alive.
Top 5 Scariest Films for Halloween
I’ve never been a fan of haunted houses. I spook too easily, I guess. I’m not the guy they want walking through their halls anyhow. In past houses I’ve committed all offenses in reaction to being spooked: punched a worker square in the nose; stomped to death some kind of mechanical tentacle protruding from the floorboards; grabbed a psychotic clown by his wig and headbutted him in the teeth; made my wife go first.
Around this time of year, I’m a bigger fan of staying in where the people around me are safe. But I still enjoy giving myself the heebie-jeebies. That’s why I’m offering you, dear reader, my pick of the Top 5 Scariest Films you should watch this Halloween.
The Force Awakens
Superman III
A Montessori education is child-led and parents shamed. And judging by the classroom toys and décor, it’s an education opposed to color and joy.