Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of May 15, 2022
Babysitting someone else’s kid is way more fun than babysitting your own.
Notes from the Post-it Wall | Week of April 24, 2022
Mastering disappointment is the most important skill a person can have.
What is This “Due Process” You Speak Of, Alyssa Milano?
Honestly, the last time I gave two shits what Alyssa Milano or Rose McGowen thought about anything was... well... never. That said, I’m tired of writing about the fucking COVID-19 world so let’s dive in, shall we?
I Believe… [Thanks, Harvey!]
…that all of the Oscar winners who effusively thanked Harvey Weinstein publicly for his contribution to their success will unlikely be visiting him prison. Wonder what they’ll do with the statues?
I Believe [Gaslighting Johnny Depp]
…that while not a definitive rebuke to #MeToo, if you believed Amber Heard’s accusations against Johnny Depp, you got played by an asshole using a movement for her own personal gain.
FAQs: Ethical Nonmonogamy (Part 2)
Don’t all nonmonogamous relationships end in fiery disaster?
No, but you’re probably asking this question because you’ve heard about at least one that did. Your cousin’s best friend’s brother opened his relationship and then his wife left him for her new girlfriend, right?
body dysmorphia isn’t about what you look like. It’s about what you think you look like.