The Abandoned Station
The cubicles are like strange archeological digs with the remnants of crap from those who worked at them, moved on, and left a few items behind.
I Believe... [Defining Cool]
...that the definition of what is and is not cool is pretty simple. Anyone desperately seeking popularity or approval? Not cool. Anyone disapproved by a lot of other people? Cool.
I Believe... [Humping Amazon Boxes?]
...that polyamory is simply people without the ability to commit to an arrangement more important than individual desire. The most polyamorous creature on the planet is a mutt that humps everything from other dogs to human legs to Amazon boxes.
The Hornet That Stings
There are two purposes of comedy: to make us laugh at ourselves or to make us laugh at others.
I Believe... [Poor Things Sort of Hit Home]
...that Poor Things is the best film of 2023 despite the fact that apparently I was married to Bella and the movie leaves me feeling slightly nauseated.
Things That Should Be Left in 2023
Hey! It’s an end-of-the-year listicle! Groovy.
2023 Debunked Body Positivity
2023 brought three billion dollar phenomena that slaps the blubbery jowels of this entire concept revealing a deep hypocrisy underneath the fleshy folds of this “fat is healthy and beautiful” mantra.
I Like to Watch | The Best Movies of 2023
In assessing my favorites for the year, I look at my initial reaction, how long the film sits with me, and whether or not I want to see it repeatedly after.
The Word of 2023 is...
Lots of uncertainty and, as is typical, uncertain people tend to get anxious and pissy.
I Believe... [Santa Heavy Lifting]
...that, if Santa were actually real, he’d have a hard time wrapping both a Trump conviction and a Trump presidency for the population of the US. If he’s real, he might be able to pull it off, though.
I Believe... [Yes or No Questions]
...that anytime anyone demands you answer a ‘yes or no’ question, it’s a trap.
Striking for Jobs That Will Soon No Longer Exist
Simply put, these unions are fighting a battle against two things: greed and technological advance. They may win (and have been) in the short term but it’s really just fighting a battle for jobs that will no longer exist in ten years.
I Believe... [Musky Tantrum]
...that Elon Musk decided to destroy the thing he was forced to buy.
Fighting Unwinnable Battles Will Exhaust What Good Can Be Done
No debates, no stalemates.
I Believe... [Wear Out or Rust?]
...that each of us will either wear out or rust from complacency and I’’m choosing to completely wear this body out like Charlie Parker minus the heroin.
New Generational Nicknames
They’re sort of like astrological signs, casting individuals into large groupings in some sort of mystical horseshit to explain why someone born in July is aggressive or someone born in February is elusive.
Performative Apathy | A Brief Guide to Navigating Meaningless Conversations
The key difference between apathy (the state of simply not giving a shit) and performative apathy (the appearance of not giving a shit to accomplish a swift exit from a circular and pointless argument with an outraged person seeking validation rather than communication) is big.
I Believe... [In Corporal Punishment]
...that adults who truly believe that words are violence were never slapped in the mouth for talking back or walloped with a belt for bullying their sibling.
Dear John: A Customer of My Ex-wife Reviews the Book
When, this weekend, I was alerted to a new Goodreads review of the book, I opened up the website to discover a Five-Star review of the book from... of her clients. When I say "client" I mean "john." By “john” I mean “paying customer.”
I Believe... [A Five-Part Story]
A quick slice of life in 2023 America
...that, if taken through the lens of truck stops and gas stations throughout the Midwest, Reese’s has taken over the world.