I Believe… [Pride Should Be Justified]
Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall

I Believe… [Pride Should Be Justified]

…that one should demonstrate pride in something accomplished rather than mere existence. Thus, Gay Pride (because of the accomplishments over generations of stigma) and not Straight Pride (because what the fuck did we have to overcome except the lazy task of consistent acceptance?). I mean, I’m straight but I can’t say it’s necessarily anything to be proud of.

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I Believe… [Surprise! Just When You Thought Alabama Was Done Taking a Shit!]
Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall

I Believe… [Surprise! Just When You Thought Alabama Was Done Taking a Shit!]

…that the sudden shock and surprise that several of our worst states in terms of rights for anyone but the wealthy decided to put laws into place to challenge Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court indicates either a blissful ignorance or a sad complacency. It’s like we saw the big dog eating bowls of slightly rotten meat and its own feces and, days later, were awestruck when it shit all over the living room.

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I Believe… [Women Are Not Baby Farms, You JagStains]
Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall

I Believe… [Women Are Not Baby Farms, You JagStains]

…that one of many paradoxes presented in modern American society is the odd confluence of overpopulation run rampant, the decrease in financial aid and paid time off for young mothers, and the bizarre desire to force women to have babies they either don’t want or can’t care for. For fuck’s sake, get the priorities in line — if you want women to be baby farms at least pay them for it or get out of their business…

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I Believe… [Game of Moans]
Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall Don Hall, I Believe... Don Hall

I Believe… [Game of Moans]

…that in the Game of Moans that is the non-stop embrace of victimhood, among the least convincing is that your Instagram following has been blocked and you can no longer get free hotel rooms and restaurant meals in exchange for an Influencer plug. Also that the Burger King won’t refund you for the undercooked burger because of your race.

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